Sunday, February 8, 2009

A sight for sore eyes!

So I am back... well mentally I guess! I had eye surgery 6 days ago and have been on the down-low ever since (hence the lack of blogging). It was an ocular muscle realignment to help my eyes move together( my left eye had a mind of it's own and would drift off a little). It still is pretty sore and swolen, but I have to wean myself off the happy drugs and get back to reality. This picture was taken the day after my surgery... my metal sheild is a great fashion statement right?

Tomorrow is a BIG day for me... I start my externship as a medical assistant. I have been waiting for this day to come for so long... I can't believe it's here! However ,I am extremely aprehensive because it looks like I have been hit in the eye, because of the swelling of my eye.

I am going to be brave and face my fear, and go to a new place, as the new "crazy eye" girl, for my new career.

Oh!good news! The law that I mentioned in my last post has been postponed for a full year. So hopefully, in that year the congress will realize who is at fault in all of this and make it right for the little guys like me and so many other etsians.

Also, I was searching helice's blog and looked into a new artist that she likes:Erin McCarley. She is awsome... I love her. So you should look her up too!
S0 tomorrow I will start the rest of my life.... wish me luck, I will need it!


  1. I am glad your surgery went good. That is so exciting you strated your externship. I hope you didn't scare your puppies with that metal eye cover.HaHaHaHa. Glad to see your feeling better. :)

  2. Ahoy there Matty! lol...Love the Eye cover. :) Glad all went well. Good luck this week. So happy for you! Hugs!
