Wednesday, March 24, 2010

3 months... and giggling!

Ella is 3 months (well more like 3 1/2). Time is going way too fast. She has changed so much... she giggled for the first time last night, which made me giggle too. I was getting her ready for the bath and was blowing on her belly and all of a sudden this cute little belly laugh came out... you know the kind that makes your belly jiggle. She loves Baby einstein and watches them contently... smiling, cooing, and now giggling at the puppets and silly noises. I am going to take more pictures and blog more about her... to hopefully make you giggle :)


  1. Oh my heck Loni, she is so cute! I feel like it has been forever since i've seen you guys. We need to get together for a play date. I can't believe she is three months where does time go? I can't wait to hear her giggle.
